Saturday, September 4, 2010

US Open 2010

Panorama 1

A few months ago, Sean suggested that he and I go to New York to watch tennis at the US Open. This sounded like a great time in the making. The birth of Daniel and Emmie put planning on the back burner for a while, but we finally made all the arrangements to go. After many weeks of anticipation, we left on August 29th. This also happened to be Janell’s birthday, so I had to do some pre-emptive work to eliminate any issues.

With Janell staying with Tara and the twins, Sean and I went sojourning. We arrived in New York on Sunday evening and got settled into our hotel. The next morning we got up, basted ourselves with sunscreen, and rode the tour operator’s shuttle bus to Flushing Meadows. For a small town guy, even this was part of the experience. Lots of sights and sounds to take in.

We had opted to attend the opening rounds. Considering that the top players in the world compete, there really isn’t a bad match. We had some courtside seats on Monday and Tuesday, which gave us a really neat perspective. You get to see the sweat, hear the grunts, and see the emotions.

Just going around on the tournament grounds was quite a deal. I think that there must have been five or six thousand folks walking around at any given time. Add to that all the folks in the stands of the many courts and stadiums, and you have lots of bodies. I imagine that it isn’t any more significant than big time football, but for tennis, it’s a pretty big deal.

We stayed for three days of tennis. Tuesday and Wednesday we got there about 10:30 am and left about 1:00 am. We were hot, sweaty, drank a thousand gallons of water, walked a hundred miles, and were tired. But it was worth it. The best thing – I got to spend some time with my son, just he and I for the first time in a long time. That was worth everything.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Off To See The Babes

Yesterday we arrived in BCS to visit the twins and relieve Tara's mom for a few days. The little babes are three weeks old. Everyone is so blessed by their arrival, and we have anticipated this trip. The little video is not long and gives you a idea of Emmie's and Daniel's cuteness. Okay, okay, I know I'm prejudiced, but they are pretty adorable. View on.

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Much Needed Update

It's been a long time since I posted anything. We've had lots of things happening but haven't taken any time to write about them. A bad case of procrastination or something.

The thing about retirement is that time just moseys along. Most of the time I have to think about what day of the week it is because I really don't have a need to know. Having to put the trash out a couple of days a week helps keep me grounded, though.

While we had the sadness of losing Johnnie, we've been recently blessed with the arrival of Sean and Tara's twins. Emmeline Kay McGuire and Daniel Timothy McGuire were born on May 26, 2010. They are the result of God's gifts to each and every one of us. Healthy and thriving, we are most thankful for them. While having one baby to take care of as a first time parent is daunting, two is almost indescribable. Tara's mother is taking on a much needed support role during these first few weeks. We're on call as necessary while Sean and Tara adjust to the new normal in their household.

We've made a few trips to see Stacy's family, enjoying Hutch and Elsa as much as possible. It is so much fun watching them grow and learn. Our trip last April coincided with pretty good weather, so we were able to do things outside. Hutch still loves anything that's got wheels, and Elsa is learning a lot from big brother. They are both their own people, though.

Yesterday, June 3rd, our best dog Ollie turned fourteen. We have enjoyed him all these years. He still retains a lot of enthusiasm when we have company. The more the merrier for him. Age hasn't deterred him from holding out hope of finding something to eat, whether real food or not. He's moving a lot slower these days, can't hear worth a flip, and has some vision loss. However, he always has unbridled joy when he sees us, giving us generous tail wags as he has done all these years. He continues to be noisy, drinking loudly, clattering on the hardwood floor, and knocking things off the table with his ever-moving tail. Despite all the vagaries of old age, he thinks he can do everything he's done all his life, and pursues them with as much vigor as he can muster. Happy Birthday, old boy. Here's to many more.