Friday, September 12, 2008

The Storm

After giving some thought to starting a blog, I finally decided to do so on the eve of the landfall of Hurricane Ike. Why now? Well, we did what we could around our house and left Lake Jackson to get out of the path of the coming cyclone. We moved everyone inland to Sean and Tara's house. Now there is nothing we can do but wait to see what happens. As of now, Ike will move onshore in the early morning hours of Saturday just slightly north of where we live.

I've always marveled at the timing of landfalls. These storms will begin on the coast of Africa, move ponderously across the Atlantic for days on end, chart some course through the Caribbean for several days, move across the Gulf of Mexico for two or three days, and then , seemingly invariably, hit some time during the night. It must be to add to the drama, as if screaming winds, torrential rains, and massive waves just aren't enough to terrorize we simple humans.

Anyway, we will see what happens.

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