Friday, October 17, 2008

Visitors From The East

From September 18th to October 12th, Stacy, Hutch, and Elsa visited us. We had such a wonderful time, even with being displaced until our power was restored. Alex came to pick them up on October 9th and was here for much too short a time.

It will come as no surprise that we enjoyed the grandchildren. Hutch is a real joy and is fun to have around. Elsa is growing like a weed, and toward the end of the visit, she began making more eye contact with subsequent smiles. We are already looking forward to Christmas.

Hutch decided that our Lab, Ollie, was great entertainment. Ollie, in turn, enjoyed the goodies that dropped from the high chair during mealtimes. Hutch learned that Ollie liked to chase tennis balls, so he would toss them with great glee and watch Ollie bring them back.

The video clips below are mainly for Hutch to enjoy. If you feel lead to watch a Labrador Retriever walk around and listen to a tune from a toy fire engine, well you just go ahead.

1 comment:

stacymac said...

we watched them yet again today. love you...